Shane in the Neck

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I'm Off!

Okay, so I figured I'd try this "Blogging" thing I've heard so much of. As i understand it, the point of this is to basically just put my thoughts down on paper...err, umm, cyber-paper. This is all for me. I don't care if anyone ever reads this. Therefore any links or responses are silly and I will, of course, ignore them. That's right. I do not care if anyone responds. It won't hurt my feelings at all. There. Glad I got that out of the way.

I suppose I should tell something about myself. Not that it matters, cause I'm the only one reading this; but seeing as my memory isn't so good; My name is Shane. I was born in a cabin I built with my own two hands. I grew up - more or less. A dozen years ago, I was even able to trick someone into marrying me. Poor Beth.

Over the years I've had many interests (science, pseudo-science, blatently non-science, major geek stuff, etc.) and occupations (Security Guard, Bouncer, Bodyguard, Bus Driver, etc.). I've been a college student and I'm an ordained Minister. Currently, I'm on disability and trying my hand at writing. We shall see how that goes.

Nine years ago (I think, math isn't my strong suit) I was in a car wreck - other guys fault. Other guy didn't have insurance or even a license. Messed up my shoulder, arm and hand pretty badly. I was out of work for the better part of a year. I lost that job, but eventually got a better one.

Around three or four years ago I started having headaches, leg and back pains, and severe dizziness. After an annoying amount of stupidity by my (ex)Primary Care Physician, I was finally approved to see a neurologist. One visit and one MRI later and suddenly I'm on the operating table - Brain Surgery! Actually, brain and spinal surgery. Chiari Malformation I with a 20mm Cerbellur Herniation and Syringomyelia. Basically, my brain was being squeezed into my spine and blocking the flow of spinal fluid. This can led to exciting stuff like paralysis, memory loss, brain damage, death, etc.

I'm feeling much better now. Well, some better. I have a pretty constant mild headache, some light paralysis in my right arm and hand, aforementioned bad memory, various aches, pains, diziness, again etc. But I'm still alive and kicking. Actually, I try to avoid much in the kicking department - both feet on the ground for dizzy Shane. The important part is "Alive"

Okay, that's it for my first official Blog. See y'all next time...I mean, I'll see myself next time, cause I'm unconcerned about other people reading this.


  1. You were BORN in a cabin that YOU built?? How does that work!? LOL I didn't know you had been through so much shit since I last saw ya! Sheesh!!! Glad you are well now!!! :)

  2. You're the first person to ever catch the Log Cabin thing. I've been using that for years!

    And aren't you less than a year old? You have a great grasp of grammar and mad typing skillz.

  3. DUDE YOU ARE HERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Stop it with the log cabin shit, I caught it years ago but didn't dignify it with a mention LOL.

